Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sociology- Sex Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sociology- Sex Paper - Essay Example n (1994), DSM-IV defines transvestite fetishism as a ‘heterosexual male who cross-dresses over a period of at least six months.’ This male also has ‘recurring sexually arousing fantasies.’ The DSM-IV adds that an individual can only be diagnosed as having transvestite fetishism if ‘significant distress or impairment in functioning, with or without gender dysphoria,’ is associated with the cross-dressing. (Bordan and De Ricco1997) The DSM-IV itself differentiates between an individual who can be diagnosed as having transvestite fetishism and one who has a gender identity disorder. For one to be diagnosed with gender identity disorder one would have to consistently portray‘cross-gender identification’. This portrayal would include ‘symptoms such as a stated desire to be the other sex, frequent passing as the other sex, or the conviction that he or she has the typical feelings and reactions of the other sex. (Bower 2001) What is more, approximately 66% of male transsexuals prefer strong hetero-sexual males. In fact they refuse homosexual partners. (Bower, 2001) Therein rests one of the major differences between transsexuals or individuals with gender identity disorder and homosexuals. Homosexuals as the name implies are individuals of the same sex involved in sexual relationships whereas male transsexuals prefer to engage in sexual relationships with hetero -sexual males rather than homosexuals. Likewise the transvestite may or may not desire to engage in sexual relationships with homosexuals. Moreover, researchers have noted that males with gender identity disorder may be attracted to males, females, either sexes or neither of the sexes. Amazingly, though females identified with gender identity disorder are nearly always attracted to only females. (Bower 2001. p 2) Homosexuals may be classified into two main categories, namely, ‘the effeminate homosexual’ and the ‘drag queen.’ (Bower 2001) Although the effeminate homosexual has

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