Thursday, September 12, 2019

Critque of counselling session DVD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Critque of counselling session DVD - Essay Example It is imperative for families not to view a problem as caused and owned by any particular member, but family therapies help in identifying ways in which specific problems result from various family dynamics. This has led to five major theories of family therapy as would be discussed considering the therapy session of Paul & Lisa counseling session. Psychoanalysis described how unresolved family problems from the past may continue to haunt the family in the present (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2004), with many mental illnesses according to Bowen’s school resulting from dysfunctional patterns in the family system (Nelson, 2003). One hypothesis that can be formed from Paul and Lisa Counseling session is that effective communication among the family members had already broken down, and the counselor failed in defining a favorable communication atmosphere where the clients considered themselves as individuals with a common perspective. This is against Minuchin’s family perspective of not viewing any member as an individual, but the person within the family (Minuchin, 1974). In Paul and Lisa’s family, every member was a separate individual, as noted from their tendencies to have diverse and different perspectives with a blame game among the family members. Every individual in such a case has to be considered as â⠂¬Å"an individual in his social context† (Minuchin 1974, 3). A family is thus a natural association of individuals who take and develop specific structures recognized by the â€Å"patterns of interaction† in their lives (Minuchin & Fisherman 1981, 11). Another hypothesis as can be derived from the session is that the therapist overlooked important issues in refusing to include the children in the session, but are brought out as a major cause of the family conflict. Paul comments that mark was â€Å"just spoilt and rotten.† Parents had also played a major role in defining a

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